all postcodes in BS15 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS15 9FG 29 0 51.457173 -2.492642
BS15 9GB 38 0 51.454157 -2.495805
BS15 9GE 36 0 51.454381 -2.495951
BS15 9GF 9 0 51.453878 -2.493686
BS15 9GG 19 0 51.45379 -2.495427
BS15 9GL 8 0 51.45463 -2.494544
BS15 9GR 15 0 51.454642 -2.491608
BS15 9HS 13 0 51.461877 -2.500898
BS15 9JA 25 0 51.460478 -2.484532
BS15 9JB 25 2 51.460264 -2.480182
BS15 9JL 2 0 51.460346 -2.479622
BS15 9JS 4 0 51.460829 -2.485024
BS15 9LA 11 11 51.449234 -2.498472
BS15 9LG 25 0 51.455272 -2.495673
BS15 9NG 47 0 51.449513 -2.50318
BS15 9NH 3 0 51.451347 -2.504913
BS15 9NJ 24 0 51.451608 -2.50303
BS15 9NL 22 0 51.45132 -2.5032
BS15 9NN 26 0 51.451006 -2.503038
BS15 9NR 16 1 51.44818 -2.501525